winter's carrd

' death again?'
'that's 'fitzgerald'.'
(bsd official anthology, volume 1 / chapter 6)

any terms allowed
13+ please
17. fitzgerald enthusiast
scorpio sun aries moon leo rising

characters who r my faves <3(bsd) fitzgerald + dostoevsky(classicaloid) chopin + schubert + liszt(tf2) medic + spy + sniper(csm) kobeni + power + denji + kishibe(hetalia) roderich + elizaveta + francis + arthur(yoi) yurio + viktor(mp100) reigen + serizawa + mob(jjk) nanami + yuji + yuta + maki(pjsk) toya + mafuyu + shizuku

click the fitzy icons for more information <3





basic dni, proship, nsfw accs, endos + sympathisers, shtwt/edtwt, uses slurs you can't reclaim, says they like fitzgerald more than me / has "fitzgerald's #1 stan/fan" in their bio or dn, bsd mori sympathizers, hates classical music, hates vocaloid, thinks anna and vronsky should've been together, vronsky sympathizers, karenin haters, hates dostoevsky's books, hates mitya karamazov, knows my past online friend groups personally, knows my deadname, irls (some exceptions), mendelssohn haters

(esp. highlighted ships)
pruhun, pruaus, usuk, itacest, germancest, beetschu, kanabeet, kanamotz, kanae x wagner, wagner x dvorák, power x denji, makima x anyone (she doesn't deserve love), odz, fitzgerald x anyone under 26 or in the guild ESPECIALLY fitzbeck shippers, ranpo x yosano, fukuranpo, chuuaku, atsushi x kyouka, otayuri



note that i have no reading comprehension sorry if i misinterpret your replies! also i feel uncomfy with ppl calling me 'hot/sexy'. i sometimes tweet about trauma im facing (esp. in situations where i feel like it's uncalled for) so i'm really sorry if that happens.

my personality may be a bit weird. i also talk to everyone like they're my immediate besties and i follow back. i get uncomfortable when someone unironically punctuates and formats their sentences properly! i don't like formal talk i just wanna be silly



bsd, yuri on ice, opm, jjk, the communist manifesto (fandom), dostotwt, tolstoytwt (does that even exist?), scp but only the games, tf2, roblox, csm, classicaloid, classi9, hetalia, mp100, saiki k, pjsk, classical music, classic literature in general, humanitiesmendelssohn, chopin & schubert likers PLEASE hmu!!!!
